Wednesday, April 15, 2009


One of the greatest joys as a parent (in my opinion) is watching Caroline discover God. For a long time we've been singing this prayer she learned at school:
God, our Father,
God, our Father,
Once again
Once again
We would like to thank you.
We would like to thank you.
(sung to tune of Frere Jacques)
And just lately she started saying her own prayers. They are the sweetest, most sincere prayers. They remind me to be thankful for the tiniest, littlest things. Most of the time they go something like this:
God, thank you for our baby named Helen. God, thank you for a smelly old dog named Tigger. God, thank you for everything. Lord, thank you for God. God, thank you for our parents and Maddie and Katie. Thank you for our food. God, thank you for everything. Amen.
I only hope my prayers sound just as sweet to God's ears.
He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress,
and for his children it will be a refuge.
-Proverbs 14:26


Brittany said...

that is the sweetest thing!

The Davis Family said...

It really does show you what "faith like a child means". Owens favorite prayer right now is "God thank for for sending Jesus to save us from the bad guys". Gotta love it.

Auntie Em said...

You forgot to mention the 'have a nice day' part. :)
Love it!