Friday, January 27, 2012

Peter: 6 months

Peter, you are six months old - half a year old. Daddy came home today (January 27) and wished you a happy birthday. I had forgotten that today is the 27th. I must be in denial. I told at least two people today that you were 5 months old.

I can't believe how much you have changed! You are almost 27 inches long (68%), but only weigh close to 14 pounds (3%). You are still long and skinny.

We've started feeding you solids and you love everything. You like playing with puffs on your tray and occasionally one makes it into your mouth. We're hoping you'll gain a little more weight once you start eating more.
You have the brightest, most alert eyes. You take in everything and are so engaged. It's the first thing people notice about you. The next thing they notice is your perfectly round head.

You like being sung to. The girls love singing "You Are My Sunshine" and "Pinkle, Pinkle" to you. I usually sing, "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck". But you're not picky. You have started to like playing peek-a-boo with us. It's very fun.
You love Mommy. I'm extremely flattered. You feel happiest when you know where I am. You also love to be held - mostly by mommy, but others do a fine job, too. You just like to be close. Sometimes you are so snuggly. And other times, you need to roll and stretch and be free. It's a perfect combination.

You roll all over the place. I haven't seen you on your hands and knees yet, but I know it's right around the corner. You can sit for a few seconds on your own. This makes me excited because soon you can take a bath in the tub and sit in a restaurant high chair and ride in a shopping cart. Plus it will make playtime so fun.

Your nights are getting better. On a good night, you wake up sometime between 11 and 1 to eat and sleep until 5 or 6 in the morning. We are working on moving you into your crib in your own room. It's time and I know it's good for you. But I'll miss you. Lately, you haven't wanted to rock at naptime and bedtime. You squirm and fidget and fuss when I try to rock you. You are learning to put yourself to sleep. You flip over on your tummy and grab your woobie and rub it in your hands. This is a bittersweet transition for me. I love rocking you. I'm looking forward to reading books with you in the rocking chair.
You are adorable. You are very loved. We thank God daily for your precious life!

1 comment:

Laura Sessions said...

Love your new header! Great pictures of your sweet kiddos!