Monday, June 29, 2009


My 31st birthday party was planned by Caroline. She did a great job. I had dancing, balloons, a cake, singing, and presents - a perfect party! (I did cook dinner, but that's hardly a chore for me!) Kudos to Kevin for always involving the kids in planning and executing special days for me. It's neat to have a husband who really listens to his children.

My cake top was a little haphazard because the real bakery worker was on a break. Didn't make one bit of difference in how yummy the cake tasted!

Caroline sang "Happy Birthday" to me. It was great!

Kevin told Caroline what letters to write on her card envelope. She did the writing all by herself. She wrote her name on the inside of the card, too. Kevin did not have to tell her the letters for that word! This was a gift in itself! I am so proud!

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Our Crazy Life said...

Happy Birthday Emilee! Sounds like it was a great one.

grammy and grandy said...

What a lucky "Mommy" you are! I am glad you had such a fun day!

Michelle said...

I can't imagine a more perfect birthday party! Happy Birthday!!